PhotoVOCA app for iPhone and iPad
PhotoVOCA is a full-featured digital sound board maker for developing communicators and people of any age with intellectual disabilities, autism and significant communication disabilities.
PhotoVOCA uses many single page sound boards linked from one index page, rather than creating browseable vocabulary folders and lexicons.
Editing, symbol search, help and support are provided only in English currently, but communication boards can be created using text-to-speech in 37 languages. Boards can also combine multiple text-to-speech languages, voice recordings and sound clips.
PhotoVOCA is currently used as:
● a babbling board for sound play and sensory development.
● a message board for choice making and basic communication
● an app for sound picture composition and sensory drama.
● a shared classroom communication aid which avoids overloading other AAC devices.
● a fallback AAC app which is up and running very quickly.
● a tool to create, manage and print picture exchange cards.
● a communication board maker with transcription for research and assessment.
Other notable features include:
● game mode - play any board as a matching pairs game
● simple phrase building using drag and drop
● a persistent toolbar on all boards for up to 11 core words/phrases/sounds
● lock down mode - hides all admin/editing controls until the app is restarted
● support for camera and camera roll symbol creation
● built-in voice recorder (10 seconds per button)
● direct board sharing with other iPads using iOS filesharing, AirDrop and email
● auto-scanning modes for single-switch control
● free symbol library downloads (24,000 AAC symbols total)
● collection of example board downloads
● full logging including summaries, transcripts and data export to other apps
● one-off cost with no subscriptions - all in-app downloads are free of charge